Thursday, October 29, 2009

Red Ribbon Week

This week public schools are participating in "Red Ribbon Week". I researched it a little, on wikipedia, and found out that this 'cause' was launched back in 1985. I wonder what it was like back then? Did the children "sock it to drugs" or "stomp out drugs"? These are the silly (but super fun) things we do with our kids these days, but I imagine that in reality its meaning is so different.

Yesterday I was shocked at the conversations I heard about drugs throughout the day. These Elementary kids had an in depth knowledge of drugs and could talk about them sounding more "in the know" than I could (and I watch a lot of CSI's and what not). I'm pretty sure that even in junior high and most of high school all I would be able to tell you is drugs are bad - and we are going on a parade to the courthouse.

It is truly scary what these kids have been exposed to at such a young age. It breaks my heart. The children have tons of stories of parents...siblings...friends and their addictions to drugs. Even down to one kid understanding that drugs are the reason his parents live in prison and he lives with his grandmother.

I feel overwhelmed with the realization that we must be ready to love on and advocate for these kids as they navigate through this world they live in. A world that I have no first-hand knowledge of, but that I can love them through.

I must get ready for "No Playing with Drugs" day - I need to find my jersy!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Too Much Acid

The other night I was blessed to enjoy a nice "free" bird bowl from Freebirds. ("Free" after the purchase of 10 overpriced, but especially delicious meals.) I find that at Freebirds the 'burritologists' always have a friendly smile and seem to make friends easily. This particular night I was eating alone (ok - lets be honest - 99.5% of the time I eat alone). As I enjoyed my nachos and read the paper one of the 'burittologists' came over to visit with me. He ended up making him self at home and even took a seat and joined me.

Somehow our discussion turned to jobs/careers. He begin to explain to me the perils of being a hippy. He claims that hippies get discriminated against more than any race or religion. He justified his statement with the story of his, non-hippy, friend that does "too much acid". Because his friend is not a hippy he is able to work as an engineer for a NASA subcontractor. "Even though he does too much acid it was easy for him to get a nice job."

I carefully chose to avoid the education aspect of the engineer vs. the food server and stuck on the "too much acid" comment. It intrigued me. How much is "too much" when it comes to acid. I may have been introduced to wordly things a time or two in my life, but I have never fully learned or understood drug lingo. This was funny, sad and intersting to me all at the same time. He tried his hardest to explain to me how much was "acceptable" and how much was "too much".

Throughout the past week I have thought aboout this comment many times. I don't have a problem with drugs or alcohol. I don't have a problem with theft or murder. I do allow acidic things in my life though. I do allow things to come into my life that may cause harm to myself or my relationships. I do justify things by claiming that I partake in an "acceptable" amount, but so-and-so, man, they do "too much"! It is time to accept that there is no "acceptable" amount of acid in my life.

Let the detoxing begin!

Monday, October 19, 2009

2 hours later

Well - I left with a headache and a little bit dazed and confused, but it wasn't as bad as I expected! I made no decisions today - I am probably going to be looking for a second opinion just to be on the safe side.

I feel like an adult today!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Financial Planning

Good 'Ol Dave Ramsey - sometimes I have nightmares about this man!!!!!

I am on baby step #4, which is basically the end for me at the present moment (no house/no kids). Monday at 5:00 I have my first meeting with a Dave Ramsey approved financial planner. I need help determing where to put my retirement from UBC.

I received this piece of paper in the mail stating that I have $_________ in ______ account contributed by employer and employee from 2006-2009. I have three options: blah, blah, blah. You lost me at "Dear Ms. Wood".

I have mixed feelings about this meeting on Monday, but frankly I am just proud of myself. I grew up absolutely terrified of being financially responsible for myself and couldn't wait to have someone else take over the financial part of my life. Through the past three years I have not made all of the right decisions with my money, but I have done pretty well. I have also learned that when I am responsible for my own money I can plan super fun vacations, which has been my favorite part of adulthood. I grew up in a family with not much $$$ and 5 people, so vacations were few and far between.

Over the past 3 years I have been to:
  • Disney World [twice] (My favortie place on earth!!!)
  • London [twice]
  • Seaworld [twice]
  • Indianapolis
  • Atlanta [3x]
  • Tahoe (Beautiful!)

My 2010-2011 Goals: DC and NYC (Saving for vacation is above saving for a couch in my book!)

I am getting all of my paperwork together, including my Dave Ramsey Quickie Budget, and ready for Monday!

I'll let you know how it goes!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Top 10 Things I love about My BFF

This weekend (despite the illness) I got to spend some time with my best friend of all times, Lee Ann. She is getting ready to have her 2nd baby, Megan Lee Thomas, at the end of November. I absolutely can't wait to meet her. This weekend was another lovely weekend to enjoy my new path in life. I was able to travel to Nacogdoches and spend some time with her, without the stress of getting back early today. This never used to happend (for instance, I have only seen her baby boy, Mason, 2 times in the past 2 years).

Top 10 Things I Love about my BFF:

10. She taught me how to ride a bike.
9. She has always understood how to use a round brush.
8. She dressed up in prom dresses with me when we were only 12.
7. She always wore socks to bed when we were children (which I never did/do).
6. She never went more than 2 months without a boyfriend.
5. Two words - Cupcakes and Wedding Dresses! :)
4. She was my first stalking buddy - look what you started (2 words - Fluffy Puppy)
3. She loves me despite all of my crazy personalities through the years.
2. She is the ultimate Martha Stewart homemaker - and fantastic mom/daughter.
1. Even if I only see her once a year - it is like we have never missed a beat!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dependency Issues

During the past two weeks I have been made aware of a serious dependency issue I have. CCISD got a serious virus in the system and my work computer has been unavailable for the better part of the past two weeks. Then last Friday our home wireless connection become disabled. I have learned how much I miss people when I don't have access to things like e-mail, blogs and facebook. I have felt like the world was just passing me by.

I am not sure I should refer to this as dependency, because it is a great way for me to remain connected to friends and family from all over the world. I have, however, realized that I don't actually connect to many of my friends/family on a frequent basis. I must do a better job at actually calling people to check up on them and say hi.

I am currently chilling in Panera Bread waiting for 7:00 to take a test for my Research class. I don't have long before the test starts, but I thought I would check in and say hi to my cyber world friends. I miss you guys and promise to do better at staying in touch.