Sunday, December 13, 2009

Role Models

This year, on top of how much I have been sick, both of my parents have stayed sick as well. It has been a long semester for them. The past two weeks have been especially stressful with my dad's illness. Last Monday he went in for probably the 800th test in 8 weeks and they were going to test for pancreatic cancer. The wait from Monday-Wednesday was long and scary for me. We were glad to find out that he does not have cancer, but there is still no definite reason for the pain he has been feeling. He is currently on a new diet and taking pig enzymes - weird. He says that he feels better. I am so thankful!

The past two weeks I have thought a lot about my life and my parents. I really had a hard time thinking about what my life would be like if/when something happened to my parents. They have been such amazing people in my life. Through the good times and the bad times I have never had to question their love for me. I would not have been able to accomplish the things I have done in life without their continuous support and encouragement!!!!

Mom: My favorite thing about my mom is that I always know how she feels. She never hides her feelings - good or bad. I don't think she can. I love to be cook, sew and craft with her - I love to laugh with her!!! She is the best!

Dad: I love the way he loves my mother. Throughout my entire life I have always known, no matter how hard things were, that he was/is completley in awe of my mom. Being able to see that allowed me to have feelings of complete security growing up. As an adult, knowing how hard relationships can be, I know that if I ever get married I want that kind of love!

I am so in love with my parents and thankful for the times I have with them!

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