Saturday, November 7, 2009

Vitamins, Caffeine and One Loooonnng Week

Anyone who knows me in the least bit is well aware of my disinterest in taking daily vitamins or medicine. In high school and college I kept a huge sign on my bathroom mirror reminding me to take my medicine. I would read it every morning and at least 3 days a week say to myself "I don't want to". It is like a control issue - saying "I don't have to if I don't want to - Ha!"

Although this year has been super fun and obviously the right change for my life, I have STAYED sick now for a record breaking 10 weeks. It is really getting a little bit ridiculous. Back in September, after several weeks of antibiotics, mom mailed me a package full of vitamins and instructions. I laughed in her face and said - Ha! No vitamins for me! I ended up compromising the next week - I was ready to feel better. I decided taking that many vitamins wasn't necessary. I would take a "One A Day" Vitamin. The search was short, but I was proud of my selection "One A Day Energy" vitamin. I was good to go.

I faithfully took the vitamin every morning along with my other billion antibiotics, cough pills, etc. It became a ritual. Wednesday morning I forgot to take my vitamin and for the first time I chose not to run in the house to get it - I vowed to myself I wouldn't let this become a pattern, but I really need to be at school early. By 10:00 am I had one of the worst headaches I have had in my life. Headaches and my job don't really go together very well. Especially since one of my precious babies plugs his/her own ears because he/she screams so loud (confidentiality). After two doses of Excedrin Migraine and bed at 6:30 I was finally able to shake the pain. The next morning I checked my vitamins and I realized that it has the same amount of caffeine as 3 Diet Dr. Peppers. WoW! That was the issue - my body was going through withdrawals.

I am still sick and now working on my 5th round of antibiotics. UGH!!! I decided on Thursday to go with the vitamins mom sent. I carry one of those old lady pill organizers, so I can have them handy and take them at the appropriate times.

I look forward to the day I feel like myself again. I also look forward to the day when my coworkers get to meet Kristin sans kleenex and smoker's cough! :)

Now back to test taking and writing!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Yay for MB sending you good vitamins! Kris, I know your dislike for all-things-pill unless it's tylenol, but a one-a-day isn't going to cut it. :) Full of fillers and fluff. The more antibiotics you take, the less your immune system can fight on its own so building your own immune system up with vitamins is a GOOD THING!

Oh and we need to go to Ruthie's... :)